Heavy Weapons

Equipment Listing

Rank 1


a helmet - helmet
Mass: 150
Can Hold: 0
Cost: 50
Weight: 5
Wears on: Head
Maximum of 2 mods

a padded leather helmet - helmet
Mass: 150
Cost: 250
Weight: 5
Armor: 35%
Wears on: Head
Maximum of 2 mods

a scarf - scarf
Mass: 25
Can hold: 0
Cost: 5
Weight: 1
Wears on: Neck
Maximum of 2 mods

a padded leather scarf - scarf
Mass: 50
Can hold: 0
Cost: 125
Weight: 5
Armor: 35%
Wears on: Neck
Maximum of 2 mods

a small backpack - backpack
Mass: 100
Can hold: 100
Cost: 15
Weight: 5
Wears on: Right Shoulder
Maximum of 2 mods

a padded leather backpack - backpack
Mass: 100
Can hold: 150
Cost: 525
Weight: 20
Armor: 33%
Wears on: Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder
Maximum of 2 mods

a jacket - jacket
Mass: 125
Can hold: 25
Cost: 75
Weight: 10
Wears on: Body
Maximum of 2 mods

a pair of overalls - overalls
Mass: 125
Can hold: 350
Cost: 2000
Weight: 35
Wears on: Body, Waist, Legs
Maximum of 3 mods

a padded leather jacket - jacket
Mass: 150
Can hold: 25
Cost: 500
Weight: 25
Armor: 35%
Wears on: Body
Maximum of 2 mods

a leather belt - belt
Mass: 25
Can hold: 0
Cost: 5
Weight: 5
Wears on: Waist
Maximum of 2 mods

a grenade belt - belt
Mass: 50
Can hold: 50
Cost: 100
Weight: 10
Wears on: Waist
Maximum of 1 mods

a pair of pants - pants
Mass: 150
Can hold: 25
Cost: 45
Weight: 20
Wears on: Legs
Maximum of 2 mods

a pair of padded leather pants - pants
Mass: 80
Can hold: 50
Cost: 500
Weight: 15
Armor: 35%
Wears on: Legs
Maximum of 2 mods

a pair of boots - boots
Mass: 200
Can hold: 25
Cost: 500
Weight: 5
Speed: -1
Wears on: Feet
Maximum of 2 mods

a pair of steel-toed boots - boots
Mass: 146
Can hold: 25
Cost: 1500
Weight: 25
Speed: -1
Armor: 35%
Wears on: Feet
Maximum of 2 mods

a pair of work boots - boots
Mass: 200
Can hold: 0
Cost: 25
Weight: 5
Wears on: Feet
Maximum of 2 mods

a light armor mod - armor
Mass: 25
Cost: 500
Weight: 5
Adds 25% armor
a medium armor mod - armor
Mass: 50
Cost: 2500
Weight: 10
Adds 50% armor
a small pocket - mod
Mass: 10
Cost: 500
Weight: 1
Increases volume by 50
a pocket - mod
Mass: 25
Cost: 1000
Weight: 5
Increases volume by 100
a name patch - patch
Mass: 25
Cost: 100
Weight: 2
Adds your name to item
a team patch - patch
Mass: 25
Cost: 200
Weight: 2
Adds your team's name to item
a paintball gun - gun
Mass: 50
Can hold: 25
Cost: 150
Weight: 10
Wears on: Right Hand
Range: 12
Reload: 25
Maximum of 1 mod
a powered paintball gun - gun
Mass: 75
Can hold: 30
Cost: 500
Weight: 15
Wears on: Right Hand
Range: 15
Reload: 20d
Maximum of 2 mods
an Anti-Grav Freegun - fgun
Mass: 1000
Can hold: 30
Cost: 1
Weight: 50
Speed: -3
Camo: All
Wears on: All Spots
Range: 11
Reload: 30
Special: Satellite, Thermal, Insul,
Gamma, Shielding, Sonic, Sound dampener
a compact grenade launcher - launcher
Mass: 125
Can hold: 40
Cost: 1999
Weight: 20
Wears on: Right Hand, Left Hand
Range: 13
Reload: 30
Maximum of 1 mod
a compact rocket launcher - launcher
Mass: 175
Can hold: 40
Cost: 1500
Weight: 20
Wears on: Right Hand, Left Hand
Range: 25
Reload: 30
Maximum of 1 mod
a ruby gem launcher - gemlauncher
Mass: 300
Can hold: 1
Cost: 1000
Weight: 50
Wears on: Right Hand
Range: 10
Reload: 40
Maximum of 1 mod
an Anti-Grav Ghetto Rocket Launcher - gr
Mass: 1000
Can hold: 75
Cost: 1
Weight: 50
Camo: All
Wears on: All Spots
Range: 30
Reload: 20
Speed: -6
Special: Satellite, Thermal, Insul, Gamma, Shielding,
Scope: 8

a container of grenades - container
Mass: 100
Can Hold: 100
Wears on: Left Hand, Right Hand
Contains: 5 'a paint grenade'
Cost: 65
Weight: 1

a paint grenade - grenade
Mass: 20
Cost: 8
Weight: 5
Range: 60 a speed 3
Blast area: 3x3
Armor-piercing: Yes
*Does team-kill*
a case of rockets - case
Mass: 100
Can Hold: 100
Wears on: Left Hand, Right Hand
Contains: 5 'a paint rocket'
Cost: 65
Weight: 1
a paint rocket - rocket
Mass: 20
Cost: 8
Weight: 5
Range: 60 at speed 2
Blast area: 3x3
Armor-piercing: Yes
*Does team-kill*
chest of grockets - 5 ghetto rockets ammo
Mass: 100
Can Hold: 25
Wears on: Left Hand
Speed: -1
Range: 15 at speed 1
Blast area: 3x3
Contains: 5 'grockets'
Cost: 5
grocket - ghetto rockets ammo
Mass: 5
Cost: 0
Weight: 5
Range: 30 at speed 1
Speed: -1
Blast area: 3x3
Armor-piercing: Yes



Rank 2


a steel-plated scarf - scarf
Mass: 75
Can hold: 0
Cost: 500
Weight: 10
Armor: 66%
Wears on: Neck
Maximum of 2 mods

a backpack - backpack
Mass: 100
Can hold: 200
Cost: 150
Weight: 15
Wears on: Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder
Maximum of 2 mods

a steel-plated backpack - backpack
Mass: 120
Can hold: 150
Cost: 780
Weight: 20
Armor: 66%
Wears on: Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder
Maximum of 2 mods


a large pocket - mod
Mass: 40
Cost: 2500
Weight: 10
Increases volume by 150 (Can carry +150 mass)
an electronic paintball gun - gun
Mass: 100
Can hold: 50
Cost: 1250
Weight: 25
Wears on: Right Hand
Range: 15
Reload: 15
Maximum of 2 mods
a powered paintball rifle - rifle
Mass: 100
Can hold: 50
Cost: 1000
Weight: 30
Wears on: Right Hand, Left Hand
Range: 20
Reload: 20
Maximum of 2 mods
a rocket launcher - launcher
Mass: 175
Can hold: 120
Cost: 2250
Weight: 30
Wears on: Waist, Right Hand, Left Hand
Range: 50
Reload: 25
Maximum of 2 mods

Rank 3


a steel-plated helmet - helmet
Mass: 170
Can hold: 0
Cost: 750
Weight: 15
Armor: 75%
Wears on: Head
Maximum of 2 mods

a large backpack - backpack
Mass: 150
Can hold: 400
Cost: 500
Weight: 18
Wears on: Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder
Maximum of 2 mods

a steel-plated jacket - jacket
Mass: 175
Can hold: 40
Cost: 1500
Weight: 35
Armor: 75%
Wears on: Body
Maximum of 2 mods

a pair of steel-plated pants - pants
Mass: 130
Can hold: 50
Cost: 2000
Weight: 25
Armor: 75%
Wears on: Legs
Maximum of 2 mods

a pair of heavy-plated boots - boots
Mass: 150
Can hold: 25
Cost: 2500
Weight: 30
Speed: -1
Armor: 75%
Wears on: Feet
Maximum of 2 mods




a scope mod - mod
Mass: 10
Cost: 150
Weight: 1
Increases scope range to 5
a heavy armor mod - armor
Mass: 75
Cost: 5000
Weight: 25
Adds 75% armor
a spread-fire mod - spread
Mass: 100
Cost: 4500
Weight: 10
Weapon fires 3 shots
Reload increased 40%
Range decreased 30%
a huge pocket - mod
Mass: 60
Cost: 5000
Weight: 5
Increases volume by 250 (Can carry +250 mass)
a semi-automatic mod - mod
Mass: 50
Cost: 2500
Weight: 10
Decreases reload by 25%
Decreases range by 10%
a barrel mod - mod
Mass: 100
Cost: 5000
Weight: 7
Increases range by 30%
Increases reload by 30%
a grenade launcher - launcher
Mass: 175
Can hold: 120
Cost: 2250
Weight: 30
Wears on: Waist, Right Hand, Left Hand
Range: 20
Reload: 25
Maximum of 2 mods

a satchel of fast grenades - satchel
Mass: 100
Can Hold: 100
Wears on: Left Hand, Right Hand
Contains: 5 'a fast paint grenade'
Cost: 150
Weight: 5

a fast paint grenade - grenade
Mass: 20
Cost: 25
Weight: 4
Range: 60 at speed 2
Blast area: 3x3
Armor-piercing: Yes
*Does team-kill*

a box of fast paintballs - box
Mass: 5
Can Hold: 25
Wears on: Right Hand, Left Hand
Contains: 25 'a fast paintball'
Cost: 55
Weight: 1

a fast paintball - paintball
Mass: 1
Cost: 2
Weight: 0
Range: 45 at speed 1
Armor-piercing: No

a sack of armor-piercing paintballs - sack
Mass: 5
Can Hold: 25
Wears on: Left Hand, Right Hand
Contains: 25 'an armor-piercing paintball'
Cost: 105
Weight: 1

an armor-piercing paintball - paintball
Mass: 1
Cost: 4
Range: 45 at speed 2
Armor-piercing: Yes



Rank 4


a titanium helmet - helmet
Mass: 180
Can hold: 0
Cost: 1250
Weight: 20
Armor: 125%
Wears on: Head, Eyes
Maximum of 2 mods

a heavily-armored scarf - scarf
Mass: 100
Can hold: 0
Cost: 750
Weight: 10
Armor: 99%
Wears on: Neck
Maximum of 2 mods

a heavily-armored backpack - backpack
Mass: 175
Can hold: 300
Cost: 1200
Weight: 25
Armor: 99
Wears on: Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder
Maximum of 2 mods



a thermal viewing mod - mod
Mass: 75
Cost: 15000
Weight: 20
Wears on: Eyes
(Can see past hills and mountains)

a super armor mod - armor
Mass: 75
Cost: 7500
Weight: 30
Adds 100% armor to a piece of equipment.
Speed: +1
a fully-automatic mod - mod
Mass: 75
Cost: 5000
Weight: 15
Decreases reload by 50%
Decreases range by 25%
Speed: +1
an ultra-light large pocket - mod
Mass: 10
Cost: 12500
Weight: 2
Increases volume by 150 (Can carry +150 mass)
a shoulder-mounted minigun - minigun
Mass: 125
Can hold: 100
Cost: 9000
Weight: 60
Wears on: Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder, Right Hand, Left Hand
Range: 25
Reload: 20
Maximum of 2 mods
a rocket bazooka - bazooka
Mass: 225
Can hold: 180
Cost: 3500
Weight: 40
Wears on: Waist, Right Hand, Left Hand
Range: 60
Reload: 20
Maximum of 2 mods

a crate of fast rockets - crate
Mass: 100
Can Hold: 100
Wears on: Left Hand, Right Hand
Contains: 5 'a fast paint rocket'
Cost: 125
Weight: 5

a fast paint rocket - rocket
Mass: 20
Cost: 20
Weight: 5
Range: 60 at speed 1
Blast area: 3x3
Armor-piercing: Yes
*Does team-kill*



Rank 5


a Titanium jacket - jacket
Mass: 200
Can hold: 40
Cost: 5500
Weight: 45
Armor: 125%
Wears on: Body
Camo: Plains, Forest, Jungle
Maximum of 2 mods

a gamma-shielded titanium jacket - jacket
Mass: 200
Can hold: 40
Cost: 35500
Weight: 45
Armor: 125
Wears on: Body
Special: Shielding
Maximum of 2 mods

a pair of titanium pants - pants
Mass: 150
Can hold: 50
Cost: 5000
Weight: 45
Armor: 110%
Wears on: Legs
Maximum of 2 mods

a pair of cleated titanium boots - boots
Mass: 150
Can hold: 25
Cost: 5500
Weight: 35
Speed: -2
Armor: 100%
Wears on: Feet
Maximum of 2 mods


a gamma viewing mod - mod
Mass: 75
Cost: 17500
Weight: 30
Wears on: Eyes
(Can see past forest and jungle)

an ultra-light huge pocket - mod
Mass: 30
Cost: 25000
Weight: 5
Increases volume by 250 (Can carry +250 mass)

a waist-mounted minigun - minigun
Mass: 125
Can hold: 100
Cost: 12000
Weight: 55
Wears on: Right Hand, Left Hand, Waist
Range: 33
Reload: 13
Maximum of 2 mods
an expanded grenade launcher - launcher
Mass: 225
Can hold: 180
Cost: 3500
Weight: 40
Wears on: Waist, Right Hand, Left Hand
Range: 30
Reload: 20
Maximum of 2 mods

a mag of fast armor-piercing paintballs - mag
Mass: 5
Can Hold: 25
Wears on: Right Hand, Left Hand
Contains: 25 'a fast armor-piercing paintball'
Cost: 205
Weight: 1

a fast armor-piercing paintball - paintball
Mass: 1
Cost: 8
Weight: 0
Range: 45 at speed 1
Armor-piercing: Yes

a tin of super fast grenades - satchel
Mass: 100
Can Hold: 100
Wears on: Left Hand, Right Hand
Contains: 5 'a super fast paint grenade'
Cost: 200
Weight: 5

a super fast paint grenade - grenade
Mass: 20
Cost: 35
Weight: 5
Range: 60 at speed 1
Blast area: 3x3
Armor-piercing: Yes
*Does team-kill*